De Zandloper Taphouse

Image of De Zandloper Taphouse

 WiFi available Open 11am or earlier

't Zand 33
Brugge 8000
(Markt, Burg and around)

 0476 581567

Open from 10.30am daily.

Keg Taps: 16
Bottles/Cans: c.30

Nearest bus line: 2, 9, 11, 25



One roomed ‘taphouse’ near 't Zand Square.

Jezza says

This is a fairly comfortable pub just off ‘t Zand which had upped its beer game in recent years. However, after a change of ownership in 2023 the bottled range is down from c.75 before to around 30 now. Overall the list is solid without being spectacular, but you can normally expect the likes of St Bernardus Abt on draft alongside the likes of Troubadour Magma. Food extends to croques only.

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